目前分類:♥ 2008 M - Antique (31)
- Aug 21 Sat 2010 17:12
[消息] Antique台版DVD已發售! ~ 開心把社長帶回家!
- Oct 03 Sat 2009 02:18
[消息]Antique日本特設頁面啟動+DVD Collector BOX 發售決定!
- Sep 26 Sat 2009 17:54
FINECUT is a startup film company based in Seoul, Korea, specializing in international sales, marketing, production, financing and acquisition. Aiming to be the film contents hub of high-end films for the worldwide market, FINECUT seeks to be the leading film company in Asia’s creative industries.
- Sep 26 Sat 2009 05:15
[消息]Antique於2009 夏威夷國際電影節(HIPP)的上映時間確定!
Treat yourself to a film that will satisfy your sweet tooth! Director Min Gyoo-dong (MEMEMTO MORI) follows a recipe consisting of one part quirky comedy, one part suspenseful mystery, and a sprinkling of imaginative musical numbers, to create a visually delicious adaptation of the bestselling Japanese manga, Antique Bakery. Previously a TV drama and anime in Japan, this Korean interpretation stars heartthrob Joo Ji-hoon (PRINCESS HOURS, HIFF 2008) as the pampered and overprotected Jin-hyuk, who curiously opens a small neighborhood cake shop named Antique despite his violent dislike of desserts. The success of the shop depends in large part on Sun-woo (Kim Jae-wook), a charismatic genius pastry chef who once had an unrequited crush on Jin-hyuk in high school. Their efforts are helped by an ex-boxer apprentice with a passion for pastry and Jin-hyuk's silent and bumbling childhood friend who fancies himself a bodyguard and assistant. This unlikely four-man operation tirelessly strives for sweet success in the face of bitter personal challenges. -- Valerie Kato
- Jul 04 Sat 2009 16:14
[新聞] 暢銷片《霜花店》《西洋古董洋果子店》等話題片播出
- Jun 28 Sun 2009 01:10
[消息]ANTIQUE即將在2009 夏威夷國際電影節(HIPP)上映
- Jun 06 Sat 2009 19:11
[消息] Antique將在美國紐約亞洲電影節開始上映(更新)
- May 25 Mon 2009 01:01
[Gif] Antique Making DVD
- May 08 Fri 2009 00:52
[轉貼‧消息] Antique 日本公開上映時間表(2009年5月1日更新)
- May 05 Tue 2009 16:57
[翻譯.新聞] 5月2日全州電影節 - 閔圭東導演訪談
- Mar 07 Sat 2009 18:13
[圖] Antique日本網站人氣投票圖集
Antique 4月18即在日本上映,
- Jan 29 Thu 2009 23:02
[新聞] 『Antique』 柏林影展邀請…朱智勳不參加
- Jan 04 Sun 2009 23:52
[視頻] MBC Antique 報導
- Nov 07 Fri 2008 23:55
[韓.雜誌] movieweek no.352 ~ Welcome to Gorgeous Antiuqe!
- Jul 03 Thu 2008 20:18
[視頻+截圖] CGV週末New電影 ~ 0621 Antique 報導
- Jun 29 Sun 2008 22:41
[視頻+截圖] KNN釜山放送 - ANTIQUE新聞報道
- Jun 23 Mon 2008 22:54
SBS news 藝術與電影 - [ 正在學習外語的演員們 ]
- Jun 18 Wed 2008 22:40
銀幕 花美男子 聚集....... 今年秋天花美男子熱戰
- Jun 15 Sun 2008 20:38
KBS2 "电影很好" 現場直擊 Antique
- Jun 13 Fri 2008 23:17
YTN STAR - 今夏出現電影的男星